How To Boost Your Mood This January

As we set our intentions for the year ahead, it’s wise to be attentive to those rituals that will benefit our wellbeing, whilst resisting the urge to put too much pressure on ambitious resolutions. Read on for some of our favourite tips on making it through through the winter slump.

Breathe deeply

As we settle back into work and the to-do list begins to mount, it’s easy to slip into shallow breathing, which contributes to a feeling of stress. Try to spot when this is happening, and instead, breathe deeply into your belly. Simply taking five slow breaths in and out lowers your heart rate and releases feel-good hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, which have a calming effect on your mind. If you own a Boost LED Body Patch, you can wear this on your chest as you breathe. The soothing effect of LED will enhance that feeling of serenity and allow you to reset.

Feel the sunlight

January is one of our darkest months, and in the absence of the warmth and glow of December’s celebrations, it can feel long and, for some, depressing. Flood your home with as much natural daylight as you can, and get outside as often as possible. And, if you miss the opportunity to spend time outdoors, light therapy can act as a substitute, lifting our mood, and regulating our sleep.

Embrace everyday rituals

Being mindful as we go about our everyday routines helps us to stay in the moment and enjoy small luxuries. Devote a little extra time, care and attention as you go through your evening skincare rituals, seeing it as an opportunity to release tension in our facial muscles and to fully unwind before sleep. 

Switch on your LED device

Not only do our wavelengths renew the skin, they’re clinically proven to reduce levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), and increase melatonin (the sleep hormone), helping to reset our circadian rhythm. They also boost serotonin (the happy hormone), and ignite pockets of nitric oxide, which lowers our blood pressure, enabling us to de-stress. So that regular 10-minute treatment with your Boost LED device really is supporting your wellbeing as much as your skin.

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