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Inflammation is a key cause of aging and comes in many forms depending on your skin type. But one of the most common types of inflammation is rosacea, a skin condition characterised by redness, blemishes, and broken blood vessels. 

According to The National Rosacea Society, rosacea is an incredibly common diagnosis and affects 415 million people worldwide. Here, we reveal rosacea sources and solutions and how LED light, a natural and non-invasive therapy may help to soothe skin and lessen the effects. 


What is rosacea exactly? It’s a chronic, but treatable condition that primarily affects the central area of the face and is often identified by skin flare-ups. Commonly that includes flushing or redness on the cheeks, nose, chin, or forehead that may come and go. If left untreated, inflammatory bumps and pimples often develop.

Research finds that rosacea is more likely to appear in women and is usually found in people who have a light complexion. Rosacea can also be due to skin barrier disruption, so it’s necessary to always stay hydrated.  Like many other skin conditions, the exact cause of rosacea is unknown, although genetics and sensitivity can play a large role.


Rosacea can emerge in myriad ways. Think flushing, eye irritation, swelling, dryness, persistent redness on the cheeks, nose, chin, or forehead, or pimples. Sometimes all of the above. Over time, if not properly cared for, visible blood vessels may appear. 


Because the signs and symptoms of rosacea range from person to person, treatment can vary. But luckily, there’s a fantastic solution to help support your skin in the comfort of your own home or in a spa setting—LED light treatment, which can reduce redness and ease skin discomfort. It’s also a great anti-aging treatment for people with rosacea. 

And because LED light therapy is relieving for inflammation, we highly recommend using our BOOST Cleanse & Recovery Spray pre-LED light treatment to balance your pH and support your acid mantle.

At The Light Salon, we’ve had some amazing success stories from clients with rosacea. Within two weeks of using our BOOST LED Mask, one customer, Tansy, saw a reduction in both blemishes and redness, resulting in a much more even and smooth complexion. She contacted us to say she was in love with the device and so happy with her skin.

                                   Treating Rosacea with LED

And while two weeks is about the time visible results are seen, there is instant payoff too. Post-treatment, skin will seem less “angry” with less burning or complexion aggravation. 



In addition to LED light therapy, treatment for inflammation and redness also includes identifying and avoiding environmental aggressors— often related to flushing — that may trigger flare-ups. Also, consider cutting out alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, and stress (as best you can). Some other common triggers include sun exposure, hot weather, heavy exercises, and hot baths. 

To help identify personal rosacea causes, keep a diary of daily activities and foods that could directly affect your skin. 




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